Select the type of learner you will work with in the future (i.e., academic students, staff nurses, or patients/families); then debate the following question. Be sure to include pros and cons.
Many individuals state that “practice is the best teacher.” For these individuals, the application of the same knowledge and the same skill must occur repeatedly and often. In contrast, there are educators who state that a learner does not need to complete 10 bed baths or write 15 care plans. In their opinions, quality is more important than quantity.
The type of approach that would be best suitable for academic students is repeated practice. The rationale for repeated practice with the nursing students is because some of the students may have forgotten by the time new learning is occurring. Therefore, repeated practice ensures that learning is reinforced for it to be remembered and understood. The cognitive theory of learning espouses how the internal and external factors influence the mental processes to support learning. The cognitive theory of learning holds that learners come with their skills, knowledge, and memories that they would have learned in the past (Oermann, De Gagne, & Phillips, 2017). Click link below to purchase full tutorial at $5