(Answered) NR565 WB2864R: Applying CDC’s Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids: Module 4: Reducing the Risks of Opioids


Which of the following are the most important components of monitoring the safety of opioid prescribing? Select all that apply.

A)Patient education

B)Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs)

C)Urine drug testing (UDT)

D)Reading provider resources on recommended opioid therapies



How do PDMPs improve patient safety? Select all that apply.

A)Identify non-controlled substances and prescriptions prescribed in an opioid treatment program

B)Allow providers to identify patients who are obtaining opioids from multiple providers

C)Identify patients who are being prescribed other substances that may increase risks of opioids

D)Provide a patient’s history of controlled substance prescriptions to determine whether patients are receiving opioid doses or danger combinations that put him/her at risk of overdose



When should urine drug testing (UDT) be performed? Select all that apply.

A)Periodically during opioid therapy

B)Prior to starting opioids for chronic pain

C)At least annually to follow-up and assess for prescribed medications, other controlled prescription drugs, and illicit drugs

D)After starting opioids for chronic pain



What is essential to communicate to patients before starting and periodically during opioid therapy?

A)Expectations for provider and patient responsibilities to mitigate risks of opioid therapy

B)Other options for pain management besides opioid therapy

C)Realistic treatment goals and expected benefits

D)Common, serious harms and risks of opioid therapy including medical conditions that increase risk of harm

E)All of the above



When should a provider consider offering naloxone to a patient when factors increase risk for opioid overdose are present?

A)When they are on higher opioid dosages (>50 MME/day)

B)When they have concurrent benzodiazepine use

C)When they have a history of nonfatal overdose or substance use disorder

D)When they are at high risk of returning to a dose to which tolerance is no longer expected

E)All of the above

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