(Answered) 6501 Module 5 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

Scenario 3: A 58-year-old obese white male presents to ED with chief complaint of fever, chills, pain, and swelling in the right great toe. He states the symptoms came on very suddenly and he cannot put any weight on his foot. Physical exam reveals exquisite pain on any attempt to assess the right first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. Past medical history positive for hypertension and Type II diabetes mellitus. Current medications include hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg po q am, and metformin 500 mg po bid. CBC normal except for elevated sedimentation rate (ESR) of 33 mm/hr and C-reactive protein (CRP) 24 mg/L. Metabolic panel normal. Uric acid level 6.7 mg/dl.

Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following:

  • Both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms.
  • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
  • How these processes interact to affect the patient.


Pathophysiologic Processes

The assigned scenario is of a 58-year-old male who is obese and presents to the emergency department complaining of chills, fever, and swelling on his right great toe. On examining the first Metatarsophalangeal joint, the patient reports pain and he has a medical history of hypertension and types 2 diabetes mellitus.

Having certain conditions such as hypertension and T2DM increases the risk for gout. The patient has T2DM meaning and is obese, which affects the normal functioning of the kidney. Precisely, these two conditions lower the ability of the kidney to remove..To access the solution  click the icon below to purchase at $10