(Answered) NR508 Week 1: Foundation of the Role of the Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber Legal and Professional Issues in Prescribing

Week 1: Discussion- Foundation of the Role of the Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber Legal and Professional Issues in Prescribing

-Describe NP practice in your state.

–Tell the class what your state laws are related to nurse practitioner prescribing.

–Include how many continuing education hours are required for your state.

–Describe the importance of knowing the specific laws in your state pertaining to Nurse

Practitioners prescribing medications. (I am in Florida)


An advanced Registered Nurse in Florida is espoused as any individual who is licensed in Florida to practice professional nursing as well as certified specialized or advanced nursing practice. These individuals include nurse practitioners, anesthetists, certified registered nurse and nurse midwives.   In regards to practice authority, supervision by a physician in form of a written protocol is required.  This is elucidated by Rudner and  Kung (2017), who states that the NPs are required t have limited ability in the provision of care and they are expected to have a collaborative agreement with the physicians supervising them.  In Florida, NPs provide primary, specialty healthcare as well as acute services to various populations

Prescriptive authority takes into consideration the legal ability of the healthcare provider to prescribe prescription medication Gadbois et al., (2015). According to HB 423 which became law in 2016, nurse practitioners are allowed to prescribe controlled substances schedule II-IV as explained in 893.03 Florida statues….please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $5