(Answered) NR508 Week 6 presentation


The purpose of this assignment is to enhance the student’s clinical reasoning, confidence and learning of multiple pharmacological agents through facilitated discussion.


In Week 6, you will create a PowerPoint Grand Rounds presentation on the topic assigned to you by the faculty member.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Describe the most commonly prescribed drugs use in primary care for the chose condition.
  2. Utilize clinical guidelines, research articles or other materials to support your findings.
  3. Identify any practice barriers, issues, or problems (including cultural diversity andhealthcare literacy).
  4. Discuss best practices for optimal outcomes.


Due Dates:     Week 6: Grand Rounds PowerPointPresentation due by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.



In Week 6, create a narrated PowerPoint presentation related to a common condition in primary care. Your professor will assign you the condition that you are to present. Please use the Kaltura feature available in your classroom to record and submit your presentation. Additional instructions on Kaltura can be found under Course Resources.

In a Kaltura narrated PowerPoint presentation of 15 slides or less, students present a narrated case using a fictional patient who presents to clinic with assigned medical condition. Students will describe the most commonly prescribed drugs for your assigned condition. Provide evidence by sharing clinical guidelines, research articles, or other scholarly materials to support your findings. You will identify barriers to practice or additional issues related to the condition and the use of pharmacologic treatment, including potential issues related to cultural diversity and healthcare literacy. The length of your presentation should be between 8-12 minutes total.

Read the following article and incorporate evidence from it as a part of your presentation: Dreischulte, T., & Guthrie, B. (2012). High-risk prescribing and monitoring in primary care: how common is it, and how can it be improved? Therapeutic advances in drug safety3(4), 175-184. The article can be found at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4110851/

Finally, you will describe the expected outcomes for medication management, including expectations for follow up care.  Citations should be provided at the bottom of slides, and a full reference list should be included in APA format on the final slide. You will create five (5) multiple choice or true-false questions created from your presentation content.Include the questions in the presentation, but DO NOT give the answers.Instead, provide the answers to the questions you have createdin a comment to the Assignment; this allows your instructor to see the correct answers. The PowerPoint presentation and questions are due by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.


A 30-year-old African American female presents to the clinic with complaints of intermittent low back pain and joint pain (arthralgia). The patient does not recall any injury mechanism. She reports having sleep troubles and unable to sleep well at night. She periodically feels restless or on the edge which is she relates to her sleep problems. She further state that she often worries about her academic performance, her family and her father’s health, who has been diagnosed with Stage IV Small Cell Carcinoma. The patient adds that she usually experiences throbbing headaches at night which last for 3 to 4 hours. She feels “tensed” and “anxious” a bigger part of the day which makes her feel stiff. She as well has challenges in paying attention and completing her homework. Patient also states she wakes up at night with throbbing headaches that last for a couple hours……..please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $10