To prepare for this assignment, review Week 1’s readings and resources on how to
locate an empirical research article using the library’s databases.
For this Assignment,
Locate an empirical research article that is either a quantitative or qualitative study from
a peer reviewed social work journal for the final assignment.
o Do not select an empirical research article that describes a mixed methods study. The
reason is because a mixed method study involves both a quantitative and qualitative
component. You would have to do two reviews – one for the quantitative component
and one for the qualitative component — for the final assignment.
Upload the article. Your instructor will review the article to make sure it is an empirical
research article and will approve it for your use for the final assignment.
By Day 7
Submit your Assignment
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:
Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK5Assgn+last name+first
initial.(extension)” as the name.
Locating an Empirical Research Article
According to Boswell and Cannon (2018), it is highly crucial for social work practitioners to develop the skills and ability to locate empirical research articles for use in research. Literature reviews provide a foundation for a study by identifying the gaps in research, the questions left unanswered, and conflicts among researchers (Yegidis, Weinbach, & Myers, 2018). This paper presents the identified empirical research, specifically quantitative article, identified for use in the final assignment.
Empirical Research Article Identified
The empirical research article identified is a quantitative research by Foa et al. (2018) which was aimed at examining the effectiveness of massed prolonged exposure therapy (massed PET), spaced PET, present-centered therapy (PCT), and a minimal-contact control (MCC) therapy on the severity of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in military personnel. The study was a randomized control trial (RCT) carried out at Fort Hood in Texas State from January 2011 to July 2016. Please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $10