As INS you have been given responsibility for the review and revision of all policies relative to the collection, storage, transmission, and retrieval of personal health data as well as corporate computers, computer networks and related resources for your 10 hospital healthcare delivery system that includes ambulatory clinics and owned physician practices. What strategies would you use to accomplish this task and what major areas would you address in the policies? Please provide your rationale.
Reviewing and revising policies related to the collection, storage, transmission, and retrieval of personal health data and corporate computers and networks is crucial to ensuring and maintaining a security system and the safety of patient data (Bhatt & Mulberger, 2019). If I were assigned this responsibility, I would accomplish it by looking for the written policies and reviewing them to ensure they are per the HIPAA and HITECH acts’ requirements. I would focus on policies that cover the definition of protected patient…Click the link below to purchase the full solution