(Solved) HCA320 Module 4: Quality of Healthcare

Assignment Description:

Reflect upon the patient experience, patient safety, and healthcare cost as well as Joint Commission’s role in quality healthcare. Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

  • How would you apply the principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting?
  • Reflect on your current or future role in healthcare. How you would you, in the role of director of nursing or healthcare administrator contribute to improving cost effective quality care, patient satisfaction, and patient safety?
  • What practices would you apply to minimize medical errors among front-line nursing staff?


Quality of Healthcare

            Every nurse, irrespective of his or her specialty, credentials, work settings, and other diversities, has the key responsibility of contributing to better patient experience, patient safety, and cost of healthcare (Shenoy, 2021). Most healthcare organizations are working towards achieving high reliability by reducing adverse outcomes and associated costs and delivering high-quality care (Lancaster et al., 2022). Healthcare professionals are better placed to identify risky actions and system flaws that are an obstacle to high-quality and safe care delivery. Nursing leadership and management also hold the responsibility to prioritize safety through the implementation of strategies that foster a culture of safety, respond to employee and patient concerns, and support safety improvement efforts, all in the efforts to achieve improvement goals, particularly the Institute of the Healthcare Improvement (IHI) triple aims (Khomami & Rustomfram, 2019). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the roles of nurses in meeting the triple Aim initiative, improving patient satisfaction, quality care, and safety, and minimizing medical errors.

Triple Aim Initiative in Acute Care

            The triple aim was developed by the IHI to describe an approach to optimize the performance of the healthcare system (IHI, 2022). The triple aim has it that healthcare systems are designed to improve the patient care experience, improve population health, and reduce per capita healthcare costs (IHI, 2022). Nurses, including myself, should apply the triple aim principles to improve care safety, quality, and patient satisfaction. There exist various approaches to applying IHI principles that I would use. One of the approaches is a comprehensive patient assessment to identify their unique health needs and provide

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