(Solved) NR720 Competencies of the Nurse Leader


Reflect on your readings this week and address the following:

  1. As you reflect on your current practice, determine which AONL competencies you see as your greatest opportunity for growth and which you see as your greatest strength.
  2. Propose how will you use the dimensions of personal health to balance your well-being and your future growth as a nurse leader.


The AONL competency that I see as an opportunity for growth is a business skill. business skills are significant for leaders to lead effectively. Strategic planning, financial competency, ability to analyze, interpret as well as use data are more important for nurse leaders to lead effectively. These skills have never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic when nurse leaders needed to use their business skills to ensure financial management of resources to cope with the pandemic effectively (Shuman et al., 2020). Through…………..